Neue Publikation: Wagner, Witzleb, ‘Personal Information’ in the Australian Privacy Act

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Wagner, Julian; Witzleb, Normann: ‘Personal Information’ in the Australian Privacy Act and the Classification of IP Addresses

veröffentlicht im European Data Protection Law Review (EDPL) 2017, S. 528-533, 2017. doi: 10.21552/edpl/2017/4/17


The Federal Court of Australia recently examined the Australian definition of ‘personal information’. It held that the information, in addition to identifying an individual, needs to have that identified or identifiable individual as its ‘subject-matter’. One consequence of this decision is that it may exclude metadata such as IP addresses or other technical data from the scope of application of Australia’s data privacy regime. This decision contrasts with recent European jurisprudence and may deepen the existing gap between Europe’s and Australia’s privacy legislation.

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